Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Climate change Cartoon

Link. Climate Change Cartoon. (please give me an A)

Somthing im looking foward too.

I'm looking forward to being emancipated. Emancipation is when you get to run your own life, own your own house, own your own car, basicly being 18. You can be emmacipated 3 diffrent ways. Way 1 is going into the army at 16 which you need parental concent to do. Way 2 is getting married to somone over 18 when you are 16 which also needs parental concent. Way 3 is if you have 1 parent that you can live with and that parent has report of abuse to children then you can apply for emmacipation and have a judge accept or deny it. My birthday is on tuesday and i will be 16 which means i qualify. I already have a good chance at it happening all i have to do is have the judge accept. YAY!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

5 picture story

Homecoming picture.

This is a picture of Danny, Gina, Samm, Paige, Me, and Tyson, (From left to right) all in the "The Three Stoners" set. Aka Tysons room. XD. We took this picture homecoming of 2009-10. This was a fun day/night. You know the usual homecoming.. Game. Toilet papering. Getting in bigger trouble. Staying up late doing things that you can get in even more trubble for. Wake up the next day. Mope around all day untill that night. Then meet up with you Gf/Bf and go to the dance. (or in my case go to shelter care! yay!) Then have a good time with your friends and Gf/Bf at the dance. Then go home do more bad things. Then sleep on what you did the past two days. Homecoming is great.